
We are an out of network provider for most insurance companies. If we are not paneled with your insurance company and are out of network, you will be required to pay for the LifeSTAR program out of pocket, but we are happy to provide a superbill for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.


Step 1: Take the Quiz


Take our Addict and/or Partner Quizzes online to evaluate your current relationship with sex & pornography, and determine if the LifeSTAR approach is right for you.



Step 2: Getting Started Workshop

First Workshop - Free!

Attend your first workshop for FREE, to discover if LifeSTAR is right for you.

Then, $25 Per Workshop.

Step 2 consists of nine weekly educational workshops.
After the first FREE workshop, you only pay for the remaining 8 sessions.



Step 3: Recovery Groups

$50 per Weekly group meeting

Step 3 consists of 90 minute group meetings, once per week for 12-18 months.
Partners are encouraged to attend partner groups.